Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
ATO Spring 2010 Collection
This are my two favorite outfits from ATO 2010 Spring collection. You can check out the entire collection at
PS. I was panning on writing something "special" for today. I was writing when my internet started acting funny, so Ill have to wait untill it gets back to normal before I can work on "it" again.
PS. I was panning on writing something "special" for today. I was writing when my internet started acting funny, so Ill have to wait untill it gets back to normal before I can work on "it" again.
Estas son mis dos piezas favoritas de la collecion de ATO 2010. Pueden ver la coleccion entera en , es verdaderamente buena.
PS. Pensaba escribir hoy algo mas largo. Ya habia empesado a escribirlo, pero por alguna razon mi internet no esta funcionando bien y lo que quiero hacer requiere que busque fotos. Sera para la proxima :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A Day In The Life Of Pelayo
Prince Pelayo is a long time blogger with a blog that has gotten almost 1,000,000 visitors since its creation. Pelayo is currently a model and a fashion student, but without even finishing his studies the blog has created him a whole lot of opportunities. Recently photographer Ricardo Hegenbart invited him to do a project together where he would follow Pelayo for a day and photograph everything that he did.
You can check out the complete result of the collaboration at
You can check out the complete result of the collaboration at
Prince Pelayo es un blogger de mucho tiempo ya y con un blog que ah tenido cerca de 1,000,000 de visitantes desde su creacioon. El actualmente es un modelo y estudiandte de modas, pero sin aun haber terminado los estudios su blog le ah creado muchas oportunidades. Recientemente el fotografo Ricardo Hegenbart lo invito hacer un projecto donde el lo siguiria por un dia tomandole fotos a donde quiera que fuera, Pelayo acepto.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Antonela Arismendi
Antonela Arismendi is a fashion photographer currently based in Argentina. She self taught photography and started doing personal work for fun, just two years ago she became a professional photographer.
Inspired by symbolism, secret socities,2012 and everything that has to do with those very cryptic subjects she translate that into her works themes.
I admire not only her magnificent photography ability's but her ability to style her shootings, from the clothe and location to the overall feel. You get the sense that there's a back story to everyone of her work.
With only two year of professional experience and a already strong portfolio we can only expect big things for her. Check the rest of her work at her own site
Antonela arismendi es una fotógrafa de modas actualmente basada en Argentina. Aprendió por ella misma y fue haciendo trabajo personal hasta que hace solamente 2 años comenzó a fotografiar profesionalmente.
Inspirada por el simbolismo, sociedades secretas, 2012 y todo lo que tiene que ver con esos temas sus trabajos tiene ese aspecto de misterio.
Hay que admirar no solo su magnifica habilidad para retratar si no su gran habilidad a la hora de elegir el vestuario. Con tampoco anos como fotografa profesional y viendo la alta calidad de sus trabajos es claro que tiene un gran futuro por delante
Friday, October 23, 2009
Toque Barts -Fur Deluxe-, Veste Circus & Co, Robe H&M, Boots Kiliwatch, Montre Casio
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Lady Gaga Is Dazed&Confused
Lady Gaga just made a short video for Dazed&Confused showing her passion for fashion and art. Here it is:
It can be called and abstract video has there is no clear point to it, but that's what makes it interesting. Like always she just keeps demonstrating how into all of this she really is, that shes not pretending to like designers and art just to appeal to more people.
If you want to read a complete rundown of the cloth she wore visit where they made one hell of a nice job IDing the designers.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Marc Jacobs Sunglasses
I got an obssesion with this shades since I first saw them on the V magazine cover that Lady Gaga did for them. After that they were modelled on the Marc Jacobs Winter 2009 runway ,I've been looking for info on price and havent been able to find any.
For me their more of a mask than glasses, I mean can glasses that make you look that cool still be called sunglasses?One thing is for sure, their not your typical everyday glasses that you can just put on not matter what your wearing and that's what I love about them
For me their more of a mask than glasses, I mean can glasses that make you look that cool still be called sunglasses?One thing is for sure, their not your typical everyday glasses that you can just put on not matter what your wearing and that's what I love about them
Monday, October 19, 2009
Winter Is Coming

I love how the mask look.
Alex E.
DIY: Long Sleeve Shirt With Hood
Boots: Kenneth Cole
Pants: Random brand haha
Accessories: Kitson Necklace
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Kanye West x Spike Jonze

Here's a short film made by Spike Jonze where Kanye West is the protagonist. The tittle is based off a Kanye songs which is titled " See You In My Nightmares", during the movie you can hear the song playing on the background and there is where a drunk of champagne Kanye starts doing his thing .
The short film is a little weird and confusing at the beginning but the ending is good, seems to be inspired by the movie "Where The Wild Things Are". Anyway check it out here-
Aqui esta una peque-a pelicula hecha por Spike Jonze donde el protagonista es Kanye West. El titulo esta basado en la cancion de Kanye que lleva el nombre de "See You In My Nightmares" , durante la pelicula se escucha la cancion atras y hay es donde Kanye empieza hacer lo suyo ah.
Es algo rara y al principio confunde un poco pero el final es algo diferente y al parecer es insipirado por la pelicula "Where The Wild Things Are". Ya no digo mas nada veanlo ustedes mismos-
Saturday, October 17, 2009
In the streets
This thursday I wen to the mall with a couple of friends looking to buy some cloth. I went into all of the men clothes stores in the mall(not many in this particullar mall) just looking around but dint find anything interesting. So we eated something and decided to take one last look...
This one shoes caught my attention but the color dint convince me...ooh well I ended up buying them anyways
And today I found this jacket that caught my attention instantly:

It has a nice low price tag and it looks damn good to me. The only problem is that I dont know if to buy it black or blue.

This one shoes caught my attention but the color dint convince me...ooh well I ended up buying them anyways

It has a nice low price tag and it looks damn good to me. The only problem is that I dont know if to buy it black or blue.

El jueves fuy al mall con unos amigos buscano algo que comprar. Entre a todas las tiendas que tienen ropa de hombre(que en Plaza son muy pocas) mirando y luego de verlas todas no habia nada interesante. Fuy a comer y volvi. En una de las tiendas tenian unos zapatos en una esquina casi escondidos y aunque el color no me convencia mucho termine comprandolos.
Y hoy chequiando mas ropa online encontre este jacket.
Tiene un buen precio y ya estoy casi seguro que lo comprare, la pregunta ahora es si lo cojo en azul o negro.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wildfox Couture

Hoy estaba viendo el site de Wildfox Couture y decidi que hiba escribir sobre una de sus colleciones, empeze a ver su collecion fall 2009 y su photoshooting con el tema de vampiros me gusto mucho. Me motive a escribir y exactamente antes de ponerlo decidi chequiar por ultima vez su blog..... y pusieron su proxima collecion.

Like past collections simples but attractive designs are dominate this collection. You can see that their also into the animal print stuff using some leopard.
Dise-os simples y comodos pero atractivos dominan esta nueva colecion. Tambien usaron mucho el animal print de leopard.

If you want to see some of their past stuff you can go to You are gonna love their other stuff is all niche comfy cloth :)
Si quieren ver esta y sus otras colecciones vallan a .Vean sus pasadas colecciones todas son igual de buenas..
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Trousers X Shoes by Band Of Outsiders

I just went to their site. I like a lot of their cloth but the one that most standed out was this trousers, I just love the material their made from. Ooh and the shoes even thou they are not innovative or nothing you have seen before, the white and grey combination caught my attention :)
Pantalones y Zapatos por Band Of Outsiders. Acabo de chequar su ropa hoy y me gusta, pero odio su website sinceramente no lo entiendo. Usan unos effectos en las fotos que no las paso.
Volviendo al tema ah, me encantan del material que estan hechos los pantalones y el peque-o bolsillo que tienen . Los zapatos aunque no son algo que no e visto antes me gusto mucho como luce la combinacion de blanco y gris en ellos.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Animal Prints

Estas camisas son hechas por Jot Ratcliffe junto a Edun Apparel para Dazed & Confused. Me gustan los dise-os que usaron y el estilo agresivo en que hicieron cada animal. Imaginate como se verian con un jacket de cuera y unas buenas botas negras :) Via -
Monday, October 12, 2009
Super Flat Top
I saw this glasses back in november 2008 when Kanye West used them in a interview when he was promoting 808's since then I fell in love with them. Check their new 2009 collection at
Vi estas gafas desde noviembre del a-o pasado cuando Kanye West las empezo usar mientras promocionaba su nuevo CD y desde esa vez siempre me han gustado.Vean su collecion 2009 en
I love studded shoes

- Leather Jacket
- Black Jeans
- Studded Prada Shoes
Thats a badass look right there.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
McQueen 2010

Check out his entire collection at
Coleccion de McQueen para el 2010...Inovadora,rara, esto se trata
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Lady Gaga: Markus Klinko & Idriani Photoshoot

This photoshoot was by Markus Klinko & Adriani for the 35th Hello Kitty anniversary... I just cant describe how much I like this photos..
Click here for the rest of the shoot
Estas fotos son por Markus Klinko & Adriani para el aniversario numero 35 de Hello Kitty.... no hay palabras para describir lo mucho que me gustan las fotos :)
Ve aqui para ver el resto de las fotos
GF Ferrer

Today while browsing I found Gianfranco Ferrer collection. Like I said about Bailmain's collection, this one has everysingle one of my obssesions in clothing right now , sequins,jackets and shoulder pads. The best of all is that unlike Balmains colletion this one is for men, so I can actually wear it(day dreaming ha)
My favorite pieces is the first jacket...I dont know what material is used but it reminds me of old Michael Jackson jackets.Anyway I love the entire collection and hope everyone shares the same feeling :)
Hoy encontre en la coleccion de Gianfranco Ferrer. Como dije en el post sobre la coleccion de Balmain, tiene todo lo que ahora mismo me gusta en cuestion de diseño; brillo, jackets, shoulder pads. Lo mejor de todo es que encontrario a la de Bailmain esta es de hombre.
Mi favorito es el primer jacket lleno de brillo, me recuerda a los jackets que usaba Michael Jackson. Tambien la camiza de botones que tiene el cuello de brillo y el doblez de las mangas brillozo, esos detalles haci siempre me llaman la atencion.
En general.... me gusta la coleccion completa :)
Collage by me :D
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
More than one heart
Really creative, good looking and simple dress.
Found it via
Creativo, elegante y simple.
Lo encontre en
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Brooklyn Circus
I was cheking some Varsity Jackets at the Hypebeast forums and one of the user posted this one and it caught my attention
He said that it was made by a Brooklyn native brand called The Brooklyn Circus and that it was 100% handmade. I was captivated by it so I went hunting for more information about the brand, their past collections and whats about to come up next.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
H&M Style Guide

Im really into the all black , black and gray trend that is all over the place. I've never been too much into bright colored clothe or accesories, so I cant be anything less than happy when I see some nice black everything outfit.
The new H&M style guide is all based around that black everything trend, that's why I like it so much. If u want to take a look at the interactive guide go here- H&M style guide
Me gusta mucho la nueva mode de usar todo negro o combinar el gris con el negro. Sinceramente nunca me han gusta mucho las camisas con colores brillosos o muy claros. Por eso me gusto el "Style Guide" de la tienda H&M, todo los looks son basados en la moda de combinar todo lo negro con lo griz. Si quieren ver la guia entera entren - Aqui
Friday, October 2, 2009
Balmain SS 2010

Here is Bailmain colletion for SS 2010. It has a little bit of everything Im obsessive about right now from the shinning jackets to the shinning pants. To see the entire colletion go here
Ooh and photos from and collage by me :)
Aqui esta la coleccion oficial de Balmain para el 2010. Tiene algo de cada una de mis actuales obscesiones en la ropa ; shoulder pads, diseños simetricos, pantalones brillosos y jacktes brillosos. Para ver la coleccion entera -
Ooh y las fotos las consegui de y el collage lo hice yo :)
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