Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The new year is just around the corner, so lets all wave goodbye to a year filled with highs and lows. This has been an exciting year for me especially the last couples of months, starting this blog is one of those things that made it more interesting.
For 2010 I plan to take this a little more serious, I want to go commercial (like I told a friend of mine ahah). Im gonna go back to the English/Spanish blogging format, set up a new twitter just for the blog, facebook and a myspace. Hopefully ill have a camera with me whenever I go out .... believe me that's one of my top priority's.
This is gonna be my last post of 2009 so
See you next year ;D
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Im currently obsessed with † so anything that has it I will love it. This cape is no it been a cape ads to the symbolism of the †. Made by the almighty Prince Pelayo and worn in the photo by the always beautiful Galaga.
Lirfon's is a label created by the successful model Michael Tintuic, its currently has only four people working on the designs. This isn't your typical label which follows seasonal trends, they go by whatever they feel like doing and that's what makes their pieces so interesting.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Metal Couture
This seems created by someone from another planet...Simply beautiful. My respect to whoever did it .
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Lanvin Graffiti Neckace
From the spring/summer 2010 collection, something rather different from their usual style but I love it.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
She Ate My Heart
Mask : Hotel Gluttony
Dress: Alexander McQueen
Model: Lady Gaga <3
I swear Im gonna stop posting so much about her... But you must admit that she does some pretty interesting stuff when it come to choosing her outfits. Every time I see a new photo of her I Google up the designer behind the cloth and I know lots of people do the same, so the hot thing to do right now would be to get Gaga to wear one of your designs.
Good luck :)
Dress: Alexander McQueen
Model: Lady Gaga <3
I swear Im gonna stop posting so much about her... But you must admit that she does some pretty interesting stuff when it come to choosing her outfits. Every time I see a new photo of her I Google up the designer behind the cloth and I know lots of people do the same, so the hot thing to do right now would be to get Gaga to wear one of your designs.
Good luck :)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Philip Lim Cardigan
This mixed fabrics cardigan is from Philip Lim Spring 2010 collection. It also come in blue and grey but the black one stands out the most in my opinion, really liking the mixing of fabrics.
Image from 00o00
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I haven't abandoned this blog permanently, things were crazy this pasts weeks so I was forced to take a break. Im gonna try and comeback full force this week, till then, peace out :)
Friday, November 6, 2009
This Is It
“The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.”- Michael Jackson
Go watch it, you will be amazed at the amount of passion he had for his work.
Natalie Portmant For V Magazine

She just looks stunning, after the Lady Gaga cover and now this one I officially love V Magazine.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Lady Gaga Rocking Jean Paul Gaultier

Lady Gaga surely looks good rocking a piece from Jean Paul Gaultier Spring 2010 collection
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Lanvin Sneakers
I had seen the Lanvin sneakers in the past but never actually paid attention to them untill today( I know how bad that makes me look). The latest release is winter 09 so I think there must be some new ones coming soon but until then I cant express how much I like this ones:

For Lack Of A Better Tittle
Just wanted to share this dress I stumbled upon while looking for inspiration in this rather long and boring day of mine.
Thought of the day for me:
"You can only look at cloth so long before you feel like you should take a shot at been a designer, that's because you can only admire people so long before you want to start been admired."
Monday, November 2, 2009
Puma Clyde's
This are the Clyde's, Puma used their classic design adding some detailed gradient color to it which is why I love this shoes. Instead of the usual smooth leather the upper is made out of shinny patent leather, which makes me love them even more. For those lovers of the black and gold combination there's a pair for you:
Mawi is a jewelry design company born in London, their pieces are well known because of their simple yet stunning designs. The ring you see above is one of the designs from their current Costume Luxe 09 collection which you can see here.
Their new collection which looks even better is divided in two. The first part is the Costume Luxe which is made entirely in metals.
Celia has a great post up on her blog showing this upcoming pieces upclose in a Mawi retail store and Dazzed&Confused has a great article on them too(which I borrowed the photos from ah)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
ATO Spring 2010 Collection
This are my two favorite outfits from ATO 2010 Spring collection. You can check out the entire collection at
PS. I was panning on writing something "special" for today. I was writing when my internet started acting funny, so Ill have to wait untill it gets back to normal before I can work on "it" again.
PS. I was panning on writing something "special" for today. I was writing when my internet started acting funny, so Ill have to wait untill it gets back to normal before I can work on "it" again.
Estas son mis dos piezas favoritas de la collecion de ATO 2010. Pueden ver la coleccion entera en , es verdaderamente buena.
PS. Pensaba escribir hoy algo mas largo. Ya habia empesado a escribirlo, pero por alguna razon mi internet no esta funcionando bien y lo que quiero hacer requiere que busque fotos. Sera para la proxima :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A Day In The Life Of Pelayo
Prince Pelayo is a long time blogger with a blog that has gotten almost 1,000,000 visitors since its creation. Pelayo is currently a model and a fashion student, but without even finishing his studies the blog has created him a whole lot of opportunities. Recently photographer Ricardo Hegenbart invited him to do a project together where he would follow Pelayo for a day and photograph everything that he did.
You can check out the complete result of the collaboration at
You can check out the complete result of the collaboration at
Prince Pelayo es un blogger de mucho tiempo ya y con un blog que ah tenido cerca de 1,000,000 de visitantes desde su creacioon. El actualmente es un modelo y estudiandte de modas, pero sin aun haber terminado los estudios su blog le ah creado muchas oportunidades. Recientemente el fotografo Ricardo Hegenbart lo invito hacer un projecto donde el lo siguiria por un dia tomandole fotos a donde quiera que fuera, Pelayo acepto.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Antonela Arismendi
Antonela Arismendi is a fashion photographer currently based in Argentina. She self taught photography and started doing personal work for fun, just two years ago she became a professional photographer.
Inspired by symbolism, secret socities,2012 and everything that has to do with those very cryptic subjects she translate that into her works themes.
I admire not only her magnificent photography ability's but her ability to style her shootings, from the clothe and location to the overall feel. You get the sense that there's a back story to everyone of her work.
With only two year of professional experience and a already strong portfolio we can only expect big things for her. Check the rest of her work at her own site
Antonela arismendi es una fotógrafa de modas actualmente basada en Argentina. Aprendió por ella misma y fue haciendo trabajo personal hasta que hace solamente 2 años comenzó a fotografiar profesionalmente.
Inspirada por el simbolismo, sociedades secretas, 2012 y todo lo que tiene que ver con esos temas sus trabajos tiene ese aspecto de misterio.
Hay que admirar no solo su magnifica habilidad para retratar si no su gran habilidad a la hora de elegir el vestuario. Con tampoco anos como fotografa profesional y viendo la alta calidad de sus trabajos es claro que tiene un gran futuro por delante
Friday, October 23, 2009
Toque Barts -Fur Deluxe-, Veste Circus & Co, Robe H&M, Boots Kiliwatch, Montre Casio
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Lady Gaga Is Dazed&Confused
Lady Gaga just made a short video for Dazed&Confused showing her passion for fashion and art. Here it is:
It can be called and abstract video has there is no clear point to it, but that's what makes it interesting. Like always she just keeps demonstrating how into all of this she really is, that shes not pretending to like designers and art just to appeal to more people.
If you want to read a complete rundown of the cloth she wore visit where they made one hell of a nice job IDing the designers.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
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